I have upped the fatality setting, but saying that this is probably more realistic result of what a chainsword would do to an unarmoured human.
Bolters have had their damage upped in this demo, I don’t need to say more lest I ruin the surprise.
Blood for the Blood God!
In this demo the body parts you see are just generic, i.e. don’t expect the loss of a limb to slow the cultists down any. That will come later, this demo is really just about showing the various fatalities.
Things I will be doing next.
- Construct the spacemarines and cultists out of Psiweapons sprites and “Paint” them up.
- Find some terrain placeholder tiles. (e.g cave, overworld, ship, mine, city, ruins below city etc)
- Seed the name generator with chapter themed names.
- Add correct damage models for ranged weapons. E.g. bolters have explosive bolts and lasguns have searing beams of energy.
- Add a simple roguelike scenario (probably will just improve the cultist's cave for now)
- Finish the Arena scenario.
- Come up with a better name. What was it that Fenrir suggested? Conflictmallet 0x9C40
P.s Sorry about the music, I *now* know that CamStudio records what you are listening to. I should of been playing the Dawn of War 2 soundtrack instead of Pete Murray :)